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Great work I really like the art style and the game it's self, although I would like to see a way to increase/decrease the volume because it was pretty loud for me

Hey man, this is awesome! #GrassyGrove4Life

- Matt

Thanks Sn4cks. You and Matt.

it's so good to see you here! grasssygrove4life!


the artestyle is realy coll. but the arrows wehre really hard to see :)

Really? nobody else has said anything about the arrows.. 

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YES TOP 1! ( my nick in leaderbord is GEODASH :3 )

Super fun! Loved the artstyle aswell, super cool style! ^^

Thanks. We really did have some talented artists.

nice job!! Was a fun boss battle at the end!

Thank you!

Wow - really impressive! Love music and fantastic art. Solid, easy game play with a nice aesthetic. Loved the various sounds she would make when getting hit.

My only feedback would be that the “bullets” were kind of hard to see against the background.

I agree. I added the arrows last minute. We were using a stretched out godot logo for the longest time. I'll look into making them a bit bigger after the jam which should help with the visibility.

Great work team! My favorite part is dying and turning into bats! 😁😂

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I think I stole the idea from momonga. They wanted megaman like explosions on death. So figured smoke and bats would fit the theme.